The Loneliness of Humanity - 2
What if this is your only life in a linear timeline of this finite and unique universe? Then there are no second chances or speculation of "what if" as time pushes indomitably forward and forward until our deaths or the universe ends. [And why leave life to speculation when you are certain of your one life, your one direction in time (older), and this world?]
Two questions arise: 1. How are you living this life? AND 2. Why?
And so we are led to our yearning for significance. The Christian apologist William Lane Craig once said that apart from God there is "no meaning, purpose, and value." These cannot truly exist without God because then the only reality is randomness and chance.
And here is the limitation of science. Science ultimately is an effort to make sense of our observations. It has its place and use* but it cannot assign significance...the WHY. (*use: basically to improve quality of life... but to what end?)
significance is greatly over rated.
if you are going to moderate your blog then why bother posting. It takes away from the .. ah .. er .. significance
Moderation may make statements seem less sincere, but the ideas are still understood... and that is significant.
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