Saturday, February 11, 2006

Orphan Man
From a talk by William Lane Craig:
Loren Eisley said, "Man is the cosmic orphan. He's the only creature in the universe to ask, 'Why?' Other creatures rely upon instinct but man has learned to ask questions. 'Who am I?' he asks. 'Why am I here? Where am I going?'"
Ever since the Enlightenment, when modern man threw off the shackles of religion, he's tried to answer those questions without God. The answers that came back were not exhilarating but dark and terrible: "You are the accidental byproduct of matter + chance + time." "There is no reason for your existence." "All you face is death." "Your life is but a spark in the infinite darkness, a spark that appears, flickers, and dies forever."
Modern man thought that by divesting himself of God, he had freed himself from everything that stifled and oppressed him. Instead, he found that in "killing" God, he had only succeeded in orphaning himself.

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