It seems like everyone and their uncles have read Dan Brown's
The Da Vinci Code, even my friends from Japan. Amazingly, because people are ignorant of history, they believe what they see in print even if it comes off the FICTION shelf. Many Christians are making a fuss about this because they are astounded by the gullibility of the masses. Those who are not Christian ask, "What's the big deal? The book is only fiction." Then why do you treat it as fact? Dan Brown created a mish-mash of facts, fiction, speculation, and outright lies.

Why are people so ready to receive Brown's message? If our hearts are already set against God, convincing doesn't come hard. Don't most people wish to live in a world without God --who holds them accountable for their actions, choices and thoughts?
hola. ahoyhoyhoy and mofesta would like to know who you are since you are linking to our blogs. eh?
Friends, what double tigers do you know?
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