Thursday, March 01, 2007

Yellow Account
Here we go again with media/entertainment sensationalizing threats against Christianity–Gnostics Gospels, Judas Gospel, and now we have the Talpiot ossuaries, which are billed by James Cameron as evidence of Jesus Christ's remains. All these where examined by archaeologists in the past but now wannabes once again adulterate history and vomit out their conjectures as fact. James Cameron even notes his motivation as, "I don't profess to be an archaeologist or a Biblical scholar. I'm a film producer. I found it compelling"– not that he bothered to personally investigate the facts, but still he means to garner the publicity.
Please, at least show some respect.
  • If Jesus was still around Jerusalem, how can 500-plus witnesses attest to the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
  • If the persecutors of Christians only had to point to this tomb or this ossuary sitting in Jerusalem, the Christian church wouldn't even have started.
  • How could the poor carpenter family obtain a grand family tomb and why have it in Jerusalem when they were from Nazareth?
  • Relatedness by DNA was only tested between the ossuaries with the name of Jesus and Mariamene (which is not even the name Mary Magdalene). The tests failed to also compare paternal relatedness. And even so, there is absolutely no proof of marriage here nor historically. Even if they are unrelated, this Mariamene could have married into the family via other males in the tomb.
  • Joseph is not found among the ossuaries.
  • The name of Jesus was extremely common. Consider that the name Jesus is the Greek form of the name Joshua. There were and are an abounding number of people named Joshua.

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