It seems as though everyone now presses for pullout of Iraq. Democrats & Republicans who initially pushed for war were not eager to go to war in Iraq then–we already were managing war in Afghanistan–but the majority still voted "yeah." Let's not obscure the fact that both the American & British governments had faulty intelligence, intelligence showing that Iraq was developing WMD's against the UN Security Council recommendations. It was only post hoc that no WMD's were found (though the facilities for developing WMD's were in place); and that the intelligence information was in error. Yet so many are ready to call foul or betrayal with our hindsight. So can we call it a mistake? That's hard to answer or perhaps I'm unwilling to because a preemptive attack by the U.S. is unprecedented.
NPR was in Bagdad before the U.S. announced it's declaration of war. They interviews the people and the response was surprising, "Saddam has thrown down the gauntlet. The U.S. must and will respond. It is inevitable."
What wasn't planned for was the resistance to restructuring, stability, and unity. If there was stability there wouldn't be such an outcry around the world. What effected unity and stability before war? Fear of the Bathist government. In part America saw it's work as liberation. And it was. The tyranny was real and cruel. Even retired military types, photojournalists and eyewitnesses say that the Iraqis suffered brutally under Saddam Hussein and welcomed the overthrow...but not the following one wanted that.
What can fill the void left by the departure of tyranny? Something an entire nation can hope for and rally behind. That is why there is such an emphasis on creating a viable democracy in the Middle East, but can the Iraqis grasp that? I don't know. There is a war of ideals. We cannot desert them and leave them to self destruct or be overtaken by a new hostile regime.
Sometimes it seems hopeless. I guess that's why people are calling for pull out, they doubt the cost will pay off.
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