The New York Times recently reported on an interesting study showing that conservatives enjoy all forms of humor and for even the humor that liberals enjoy, conservatives enjoy more. This was considered surprising because conservatives have consistently been painted as closed-minded and rigid and liberals as open-minded. However it is liberals who more often take offense at political incorrectness and are suspected by the Times as having a less cheerful disposition. Also the study and analysis was performed by sociologists, a group with Democrat to Republican ratio of 7 to 1, leaving the Times wondering if the findings should be surprising in the first place or were the initial assumptions subject to bias.
McCain's campaign has been portrayed as based on anger and fear but I can tell you that the Democratic machine has fed on anger for at least the last 12 years. And the last 2 elections have campaigned on fear of another Bush-like term and fear for our economic future. I was placed on the Democratic Congressional Campaign listserve which doles a constant meal of anger and fear. This anger has been rationalized as the sole work Nancy Pelosi, but it is an anger that existed before her rise to Congressional power.
After the elections which selected George W. Bush as U.S. president, liberals gave up on the United Sates and there was common talk and writing of moving to Canada or Europe instead of coming behind the president and supporting him. There was outright hatred of a man they did not know personally and depicted as stupid, backward and ignorant [though he had one of the most diverse cabinets (black, white, Latino, Japanese, Chinese)]. There was a refusal to acknowledge the Bush presidency in part because of voter discrepancy, even though President Clinton also lost the popular vote during his election to presidency. With the election of Senator Obama there has been general consensus on both sides to support him as President. Is this a sign of Obama's reach or the willingness of conservatives to remain, not give up, and help this country?
McCain's campaign has been portrayed as based on anger and fear but I can tell you that the Democratic machine has fed on anger for at least the last 12 years. And the last 2 elections have campaigned on fear of another Bush-like term and fear for our economic future. I was placed on the Democratic Congressional Campaign listserve which doles a constant meal of anger and fear. This anger has been rationalized as the sole work Nancy Pelosi, but it is an anger that existed before her rise to Congressional power.
After the elections which selected George W. Bush as U.S. president, liberals gave up on the United Sates and there was common talk and writing of moving to Canada or Europe instead of coming behind the president and supporting him. There was outright hatred of a man they did not know personally and depicted as stupid, backward and ignorant [though he had one of the most diverse cabinets (black, white, Latino, Japanese, Chinese)]. There was a refusal to acknowledge the Bush presidency in part because of voter discrepancy, even though President Clinton also lost the popular vote during his election to presidency. With the election of Senator Obama there has been general consensus on both sides to support him as President. Is this a sign of Obama's reach or the willingness of conservatives to remain, not give up, and help this country?
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