Monday, February 09, 2015

Hypothetical Experiment to Resolve Creation vs. Evolution Debate

Given the time that it takes for light to reach Earth from the stars, our observation of the stars is a look into the past when that light originated from that source.  The creation vs. evolution debate could hypothetically be settle if we could look into the Earth's past.  Both sides accuse the other of lacking evidence.  Imagine a continuous filmstrip of Earth's history extends out from the Earth at the speed of light.  If we can be out far enough and catch the film at the time that life started then we can confirm which side of the debate is true.  We just need to travel faster than the speed of light ahead of the path of light coming off the Earth for as far as the distance in light-years as it takes light to travel from the Earth to that point on the "filmstrip" back 3.5 billion years ago.  Then we point an impossibly high resolution, highly sensitive telescope back at Earth and watch the film of life unfolding on the planet.

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