Monday, January 29, 2007

Unity? Among Christians
Sacrificing truth for the sake of unity is an insidious trend among the majority of evangelical Christians in the United States. Truth is not targeted directly but treated with complete disregard—it's out of thought. It meshes perfectly with the celebration of ignorance by truthiness, post-modernism, and political correctness.

This is so prominently manifested as Christians court Catholics for the sake of unity i.e. ecumenism. This happens nationally in the wake of ECT (Evangelicals & Catholics Together), locally in colleges and churches trying to boost membership without offending.
However when critics cite the discernment and counsel of the Bible, the reaction ranges from confusion to outrage. "How dare you promote division among Christians! How could you be so unloving?" they counter the critics.

The critics return, "Have you even considered what a Christian is?" Since Evangelicals and Catholics differ in defining what a Christian is, can there be substance by which they put up a united "Christian" front? An objective measure is necessary to gauge any Christian's decision. That measure is Scripture. Follow the Berean example of examining not only if words are found in the Bible but if the ideas agrees with the Bible. Christians are Christians not by their church attendance, prayer, or happy singing; but in whom they believe and put all their trust.

Without the weight of Scripture to define Christians, Christians can be and are seduced by cults calling themselves Christian such as the Mormon church.

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