Friday, April 20, 2007

The Worst Form of Negligence
Hundreds of highly classified documents detailing U.S. nuclear secrets were hard copied and electronically copied by Jessica Quintana--an archivist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico--and taken off the premise. Quintana, who had know a background of drug abuse, was arrested after her trailer was found with crystal-meth-making equipment and the nuclear bomb designs.

Energy Secretary Bodman is testifying today (4-20-07) before a congressional sub-committee. He has said:
"Unauthorized removal of the classified material from the Lab marks a significant breach of security protocol and of the public trust. Unfortunately, we cannot correct the errors of the past. But we will learn from this incident and we will do better."
We better hope that the "errors of the past" do not haunt us. Seemingly the information did not yet fall into the wrong hands, but this is a set up for incredible disaster.

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